Why Choose Baker Collins & Co.?
Few people understand the (real) challenges you face funding your real estate business. The seasoned real estate investor works with a strong, experienced, and dedicated team. Welcome to Baker Collins & Co.
34% Of U.S. Small Businesses Survive To 10 Years
– U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
With over 1,000 private loans closed since 2015, Baker Collins & Co. has a deep understanding of real estate investor needs. Every investor is unique. Every project is unique.

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Our DNA: Real Estate, Lending & Education
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Our Mission Is Our Story...
At the end of the day, we all simply want to acquire success, take care of our loved ones, and find some peace. To accelerate the completion of these goals successful real estate investors surround themselves with a strong, experienced, and dedicated team.
Baker Collins & Co. was founded on the principle of serving as a dedicated resource to our clients, partners and nationwide investment communities. We strongly feel that it is not enough to simply provide attractive rates and terms. Fortunately, our clients feel the same way.
The successful real estate investor wants more and expects more. There are few people who understand the real challenges you face funding your real estate business. The lack of a dedicated and knowledgeable team drastically reduces your probability of success.
Hailing from a former investment banking background, our managing director has made it our company’s mission to not only help real estate investors secure reliable capital, but to properly help educate real estate investors for long-term success. We sincerely thank you for considering our firm.
Here's what our clients are saying...
...our only source for funding. We have tried others, but they pale in comparison!...efficient, responsive and they deliver!
Our Decision Team
A Track Record Of Experience
Every client is unique. Every project is unique.
Our decision team assists two classes of Real Estate Investors:
- The seasoned investor
- The less experienced investor who wishes to become a seasoned investor
We specialize in funding private commercial and residential real estate projects in over 40 states. We are a real estate private money lending group. Since 2015 we have closed and funded over 1,000 projects. In addition, we strive to provide world-class education and resources to the real estate investment community.
Our decision team has a combined 60 + years of real estate investment expertise, including investment, conventional and commercial banking experience.
We strive to provide more resources to our investor clients. The seasoned investor is looking for more options. We strive to provide more choices for these investors to scale their business. The less experienced investor requires more of an experienced partner. We strive to provide more additional education and training for this investor to achieve and maintain success.
Problems and opportunities will always exist. The successful real estate investor looks to minimize surprises. Unfortunately, like in all other professions, surprises can still occur. That is why it is imperative for us, to not only have a great decision team, but an excellent support staff…
Our Staff
Your Project Is Important
How Can We Help?
Is Project Support Important to you?
Seasoned real estate professionals quietly know that a project is not completed or closed until the project is actually completed. Those who celebrate before they reach the finish line can quickly lose confidence when facing unexpected complications funding their project. The support system you surround yourself with can make all the difference.
Our Support Staff hails from Wall Street to Main street. With a combined 45 + years in project support, customer service, education and training, we strive to support the success of our clients’ projects.
There are no guarantees in real estate investing. At times, the project is a perfect fit. While at other times the project needs much more assistance to make it to the finish line. To minimize surprises, seasoned investors surround themselves with a knowledgeable decision team and a highly flexible support staff. This strategy attempts to give the investor the highest probability of funding success. Our success is tied to your success.